Do I Really Need Supplements?
Each morning around 10 am, and well after I’ve had my first coffee, I head to the kitchen and prop myself in front of what I call the “Keep Me Going” cupboard. Believe it or not, between myself, my husband
Pain and Menopause – Is it Inevitable?
As I write this fresh from a visit with my hormone specialist, it dawned on me that many of us sit passively back and accept that we must simply endure the added aches and pains that come with ageing. The
PAIN MANAGEMENT THROUGH YOGA: Why the ‘No Pain, No Gain’ Mantra is Dead
PAIN MANAGEMENT THROUGH YOGA: Why the ‘No Pain, No Gain’ Mantra is Dead We all know that flexibility is an important part of fitness and overall health, but it is important to understand why. Having a decent level of flexibility improves