
Botanique Skin Wellness Spa

What is Collagen and Why do we Need it?

Did you know that Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body?

Its function is to form connective tissues in your body such as muscles, ligaments, skin and bones, and is literally the ‘glue’ that holds your body together.

It can get confusing when trying to understand the world of collagen as there are 28 different types, however the most common is Type I which is found in all connective tissue. Type II is found in joints and the discs of the spine, and Type III is the main component of skin and blood vessels.

Our skin is made up of 80% collagen peptides alone, and is referred to as the scaffolding of the skin, similar to the structure of a building. It holds everything together and keeps our skin looking plump and youthful.

As we age our collagen stores deplete. This combined with exposure to pollution, toxins, unhealthy foods and the sun means we lose it faster than our bodies can produce it. In fact, between infancy and mid thirties, we lose collagen at 1% per year and in the first five years of menopause, it skyrockets to 30% overall.

In addition to utilising topical collagen in your regime to improve the condition of your skin, increasing or replacing it in the body may also help to:

  • Improve symptoms of osteoarthritis and osteoporosis and reduce overall joint pain by helping to lower inflammation, offer better joint support, and reduce pain.
  • Promote the synthesis of muscle proteins such as creatine, as well as stimulate muscle growth after exercise.
  • Reduce the risk of heart conditions by providing structure to your arteries, the blood vessels that carry blood from your heart to the rest of your body.
  • Strengthen nails by preventing brittleness.

In addition to well made hydrolyzed supplements which typically have a high level of bioavailability and topical collagen for the skin, several foods will naturally increase your collagen intake. Foods that contain gelatine, such as bone broth, are particularly good sources, however there are also plant based sources for those who are vegetarian/ vegan.

When looking for collagen rich foods, remember Vitamin C is also crucial for collagen synthesis, so be sure to eat foods rich in this vitamin, such as citrus fruits, broccoli, and bell peppers.

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